Avec ses groupes de travail thématiques et son orientation interdisciplinaire et transdisciplinaire, la plateforme est dédiée aux défis sociaux urgents basés sur le développement durable. Elle se considère comme une plaque tournante pour un dialogue axé sur les solutions entre la science et la société.

Image : Manu Friedrich

Call: Entanglement of farming and tourism

The upcoming summer school at University of Innsbruck (September 18-22) «Entanglements of farming and tourism» aims to illuminate entanglements in different ways. The organizers are looking for contributions.

Landschaft (Symbolbild)
Image : momosu, photocase.de

The organizers are looking contributions that highlight perspectives on
following issues and beyond:
• Theoretical and conceptual approaches to grasp these entanglements (e.g. social-ecolog-
ical resilience, farming resilience, foodscapes, …)
• Empirical examples of these entanglements from different rural areas
• Empirical examples that highlight certain aspects of this entanglement (e.g. the meaning
of farming for winter tourism, provision of ecosystem services, safeguarding of local tra-
ditions, local provision of food, …)
We want to discuss these perspectives to broadly understand what farming contributes to the
viability of rural areas.
We are open for further themes in the perspective of rural studies.

Further infos in the call (PDF).


31/06/2024 submission of applications (extended abstracts) until the maximum number of participants is reached


  • Agronomie et sciences forestières
  • Alpes
  • Tourisme