Avec ses groupes de travail thématiques et son orientation interdisciplinaire et transdisciplinaire, la plateforme est dédiée aux défis sociaux urgents basés sur le développement durable. Elle se considère comme une plaque tournante pour un dialogue axé sur les solutions entre la science et la société.

Image : Manu Friedrich

How can we assure quality and transformative learning for sustainable development?

Virtual Higher Education Summit 2020

Lieu de l'événement


Higher education institutions in Europe acknowledge the urgent need for rapid and radical transformation towards sustainable development and agree that higher education has an important role to play in this process. But how can this role be assumed, what values should guide the process, what should be transformed, how, and who should lead and who be engaged? Suggestions and models exist, but they remain niches, often nested at institutional levels that are disconnected from relevant larger-scale, standard-defining quality and policy bodies.

Virtual Higher Education Summit 2020
Image : #HES2020

The conference will enable participants from a number of different stakeholder and expert groups interested in transformation towards sustainable development to meet online beyond their “natural borders” and to discuss both research and practice-related issues.

The Virtual Higher Education Summit 2020 aims to:​

  • ​Address the challenges of quality assurance and transformative learning for sustainable development
  • Get different communities together, foster creative listening, and spark new inspirations
  • Share latest knowledge across these communities, learn from each other, and get inspired for improved practices towards sustainable development
  • Refine the research agenda in the fields of transformative learning, quality assurance, and sustainable development
  • Inspire new research that cuts across these fields

More information, program and registration


  • Formation