Overview information for the FOK annual report
Annual Report for the Research Commission of the Swiss National Park SNP for the Area Swiss National Park, Regional Nature Park Biosfera Val Müstair and other areas of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Engiadina Val Müstair
To enter annual or final reports, you will be asked to answer the following questions:
Check end date of project *
Check project participants *
Brief report on activities during the current year and, if possible, initial results (maximum 2000 characters). *
Any photos or graphics illustrating your work.
Publications, scientific and popular science articles, posters, or book chapters (each as a bibliography)
related to the project that appeared in the current year *
Lectures, tours, openings, events in the current year (topic, occasion, location, date) related to the project.
Have you made any collections this year? Please provide supporting documents, type of objects and location
of storage.
For project completion, additionally the following information:
- Keyword summary of data collected in the project, which will be delivered to the Data Center SNP *.
- Summary of final report or master's thesis or bachelor's thesis, etc.
- Upload final report or master's thesis or bachelor's thesis and send to Data Center SNP *
– Has co-funding been approved by FoK? *
- If yes: costs charged to the FoK
– Confirmation that you have read the information sheet and agree with it *
– Criticism, suggestions for the attention of the Research Commission Swiss National Park SNP.